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They weren’t living at the railway at the beginning. They lived in London.They were three.Bobbie was oldest.Then Peter and Phyllis.
Mother was always at home.She has played with children and she has written the stories.They have everything that they needed.They also had wonderful Father.They were very happy.
Suddenly their life had changed

It was Peter’s birthday.There was steam engine in his presents.But it was broken.When Father came,Father looked Peter’s engine.And “I will make ıts”said.
Then the door was knocked.There were two men in front of the door.Mother went to room with children. Father talked with them.And Father went away.Then Mother “Father has to go away.”said.Someweeks were awful
One morning Mother came down to breakfast.”We have to leave our house.We are going to live little house.” Said mother.”We can’t take everything.We have to play ‘being poor’ ”.
They went to railway.The house was cold.Mrs Viney wasn’t there(maid).
They didn’t have a supper.They ate meal in box.They sleept on floor.Morning the children prepared breakfast.But before they went out.They saw a hill,a bridge,a tunel and railway.They sleept in grass.
Then Mother came “There was letter from Mrs Viney”said.”Her son broke his arm.She went home early.I found another rooms.”They helped mother to unpuck and arrange everything in the rooms.
Then the children went to station.They went Porter’s room.Then They went to near coal heap.Peter asked about coal heap.There is white line.Peter asked about white line.
“It show how much coal”said Porter.”We shall know İf anybody steals some.”
It was rainy.”Can we light a fire?”asked Bobbie”No. We haven’t got coal.Because Coal is expensive.”
Then Peter told his idea to girls.Peter went and stealed coal from station.Then station master was waiting for Peter.He caught his.Peter told every thing to him.Then They went house.
There was the 9:15,10:07 and the midnight train.
When the 9:15 train came out of tunel,The children waved.And Hand waved back.It belonged to an old gentleman.He travelled 9:15 everyday.
Peter didn’t go station after the coal.Master saw Peter and”You didn’t came to station”
The next day Mother was ill.She was very hot.They called the doctor Forrest.
“She must stay bed.I’ll send medicines.But She will need fruit.I’ll write these to paper.”said Dr.Forrest.
They hadn’t got money.So They thought and…
When 9:15 train came Peter was showing him the large white sheet; LOOK OUT AT THE STATION.Phyllis was at the station.Phyllis gave a letter to him.
The old gentleman opened the letter.’My mother is ill.And We haven’t got enough money.The needs is end of letter.’
The Old gentleman gave a box to master.The three children went the room.They opened the box.There were everything and a letter in the box.Bobbie opened the letter.”Here are the things you need.Tell your mother they were sent by friend”
Someweeks later When the old gentleman looked out of the train.He saw sheet.On the sheet”She is nearly well.Thank you”
Mother was angry and mother wrote “thank” letter to old gentleman .
It was Bobbie’s birthday.Bobbie went out of house. Others prepared.She had got very nice presents.Peter gave sweets full of engine.
At night Bobbie went other room.Her mother was writing story.But at that time Her mother wasn’t writing She was sleeping on the table.Bobbie went back.
Bobbie put Peter’s engine in box and took down to railway.
She gave Peter’s engine to driver and fireman.She talked with them The men repaired the Peter’s engine.It was as good as new again
The children were looking to railway.
Suddenly They heard a noise.It was soft.The Trees were moving.Then the big rock began to move and Trees and rocks fell on the railway.
Peter researched red things for giving new to driver.”If We don’t give new ,most people will be dead” said Peter
They found red petticoats.They cut the petticoats in to six pieces and They found braches.Peter unite the red petticoats with the branches.Peter took two flag.Two of flag were between the lines.The train stopped very difficulty.The train was at the 20 metres distance to the Bobbie.
One day was ‘red petticoatsday ‘and the children were called to the station.They went to station. The old gentleman was there ,too.Important people gave gold watch to them.
They went to house with old gentleman.The old gentleman talk with mother and then he went
“I send some stories”said mother “We have got a cake in thuesday.”said Bobbie.Because Thuesday was Perks’s (station master)birthday.They prepared cake and presents.They gave news to perks’s friend.
They went to Perks’s house and talked with his wife.They put presents into the box and put box on the table.
And They passed behind the door.When Perk came They would shouted ‘happy birthday’.
Perks came but he didn’t please.
“We are poor but We didn’t needy”said Perks
The children told everything “People of neighborhood like you So they wanted to celebrate your birthday” said Bobbie.
“Thank you” said Perks and He invited them to tea.
When The children first went to live at the white house,they talked about father a lot and were always asking questions about him.
But then They didin’t ask about Father.Her mother was unhappy.”Why are my father “away” thought Bobbie.
She went to station to fetch the magazines.They were old magazines .Passangers put them.
One day Bobbie went to station to fetch them.While Bobbie was taking away to house Bobbie put the magazines on the grass.She looked the words;
This spy was her father.
Bobbie took the magazine and showed to her
“You don’t belive it”cried mother
“What happened”said Bobbie
“Two men came and They said he was a spy.There were some letters in Dadds desk at the office.When the police saw them, they were sure Daddy was a spy.”
“Who put this letters there.”
“Somebody “And Person is the real spy.
“Can we explain all of this someone”
“I have tired.But nobody will listen.”
So Bobbie wrote a letter to old gentleman.She put the page of the newspaper with her letter.And She give letter to station master.


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