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Universal Declaration of Animal Rights


Universal Declaration of Animal Rights
Article 1
All animals in the biological balance of the existing terms of the concept of equal rights has.
Article 2
All animals have the right to be respected.
Article 3
1. Animals are not abused or zalimane behavior can not be found.
2. If an animal must be killed, that at a time, painless and should be done to create fear.
3. A dead animal should be treated with respect.
Article 4
1. Wild animals and the right to live freely in their natural environment, have the right to produce.
2. The freedom of wild animals take a long time to be, hunting and fishing, and belong to the past time which is why they are, wild animals in this way is not vital to use, unless this behavior is against fundamental rights.
Article 5

1. People need the support of a proper nutrition and care of every animal is entitled to see.
2. Under no circumstances be abandoned or killed in an unfair.
3. Each type of produce and animals use soy dressing and physiology specific to their type of behavior must be respected.
4. Containing animal exhibitions, shows and movies have to respect the dignity of animals and can not in any way violent.
Article 6
1. Physical or psychological suffering on animals cause in violation of the rights of animal experiments.
2. Exhausted or not the animal species of an animal of the new methods should be developed to substitute, and should be continued regularly.
Article 7
Is needed to stop the killing of an animal containing any law or any decision that led to this crime is part of the job for life.
Article 8
1. To wild animal life remains soyun honor all laws and such an action lead to the detriment of time each decision is equivalent to genocide is a crime, and processed soy scratches.
2. Wild animals to be slaughtered and their reproductive eggs to pollute, to destroy cürümüdür genocide.
Article 9
1. Specific legal status of animals and their rights must be recognized by law.
2. Under the protection of the animals to safety issues should be represented in the State-level organizations.
Article 10
Education and school authorities responsible, from childhood to citizens to understand and to respect the animals are obliged to provide opportunities for learning.


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