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Queen Hamzani ‘s Story
Queen Alliana went her home . The Queen was sitting in a large chair . Captain wanted to speak about treasure. She stood up nd walked to one of the walls of the room . She took a picture from it. It was a picture of the same women in blackbeard’s cabin. She looked like Queen Alliana a but ıt was not Alliana . It was Queen Alliana’s great grandmother , Queen Hanzani. She was once the Queen of this island and all of the islands in the Bermuda Triangle .
When her great grandmother was sixteen she and a boy her age promised to love each other forever . So they married and some time later that boy left theisland. He said he was going to sail a round the world. While he was gone pirates attackked the island they killed Queen Haznanis parents and stole eveything they had .

Each morning , she would walk along the beach to see if his ship coming.
When he fiwally retunned. He as a pirate with a chest full of stolen treasure.He wanted to give it to Queen Hanzani At fist she didn’t want then she did that for him.
One day Queen left him and in anger he sailed from the island. There was terrible storm. The pirate ship was destroyed and a ghost ship traveled with Blackbeard’s ghost on it . Her great grandmother dred her sleep that same night.
The Circle Of Fire
Blackbeards onderstood a that treasure was not him . The pirates saw the Queen Anne again. .They wanted to take other chests. The pirates saw the attacked to the Queen Anne again. Captain Pike kicked open the door to the treasurebut he saw it was gone. He ran back up stairs and threatened one of the sailors with a kniffe.Where was the treasure.Captain scott has it. The pirates left the ship and rowed towords İsland. They saw Blackbeard’s treasure chest in the milde of a large circleof sugar plant leaves. Captain Pike saw the chest. They wanted to take it . Queen Alliana was standing outside the circle holding a torch Queen Alliana set them on fire with her torch. The pirates and the treasure were in the milde of a circle of fire unable to move but pirates wanted to take the treasure su they started to fight.
Captain Pike’s and Captain scott’s were locked to get her than Captain Pike reached for aknife in his belt . Aknif was in the air. But Blackbeard’s ghost held it .
Black Beard’s Peace
Blackbeard dropped the knife to the ground . The knife moved by it self . No one could see the ghost except for Queen Alliana. She had her great grandmother’s eyes. She walked towords him. She said whenhe return to that island he bought unhappiness to a woman’s heart. Had you thought of that in all those years ? It there was never any treasure he with Queen Hanzani . Now he stil have the treasure and he stil unhappy.
Captain Scott and his man left the island with Captain Pike and his treasure.Captain Scott saw the Blackbeard’s empty ship.They were going back on board. They left the chest where they found it. They left the empty ship . Than Blackeard threw chest into the sea ending the curse he had to live with. The sailors Queen Anne saw in the see below Blackbeard’s ship began to breakopart and sank into the sea.The sailors saw the ghost of apirate in a long blue coat. He flew up into the cloud of the sky.

“ It seems that he has finally found his peace.


  1. fatih dedi ki:

    hello arkadaşlar

  2. Era dedi ki:

    very nice book. Thanks